MPs Salary

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Government to take firmer stance on religious ‘conversion therapy’

Mike Freer, the Minister for Equalities, has confirmed that the Government’s proposed ban on so-called ‘conversion therapy’ will cover both practices that take place in religious settings and those that are carried out by ministers of religion. LGBT Humanists has previously called on the Government to close loopholes in its proposals on religious conversion therapy. Today it has welcomed… Read more »

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Home Office deflates restrictive firearms bill

The British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC) is fully supportive of the Home Office’s response to a private member’s bill wishing to restrict the use of firearms. Luke Pollard, MP for Plymouth, Sutton and Devonport, is introducing a bill that aims to ban the keeping of pump-action shotguns in homes. The bill wishes to tackle the horrific… Read more »

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For Hoon the bell tolls
Hoon follows Darling with expenses repayment

By Alex Stevenson Transport minister Geoff Hoon became the latest member of the Cabinet to repay allowances today. Mr Hoon “accidentally” overpaid £384 after making a similar error to chancellor Alistair Darling, who agreed to repay around £700 yesterday. He claimed for his TV licence, home insurance and a gas maintenance bill at his Derbyshire… Read more »

Alistair Darling concedes service charge repayment
Darling to repay allowances

By staff Alistair Darling is to repay costs he charged to taxpayers on his London flat despite having moved to No 11. The Telegraph’s newspaper’s latest revelation is that the chancellor claimed for a £1,004 service charge claim for the flat he had been living in. Ten days previously, in June 2007, he had… Read more »