National Living Wage

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MDU scrutinising revised guidance for doctors on good medical practice

Responding to today’s announcement that the GMC is seeking views on a revised version of Good medical practice, the Medical Defence Union (MDU) said that it will be scrutinising the significant changes being proposed. The MDU, the UK’s leading medical defence organisation, explained that regulations must be compatible with the realities of doctors’ working lives and… Read more »

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BASC expels member for wildlife crime and firearms offences

BASC, the UK’s largest shooting and conservation organisation, has expelled for life a member convicted of wildlife crime and firearms offences. Expulsion from BASC involves the loss of shooting insurance, on which the ability to shoot may depend, and other benefits of membership. The member from Nottinghamshire pleaded guilty to unlawfully trapping and beating to… Read more »

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Unemployment rises but so does employment, as economic activity increases
Joblessness reaches six-year high

Unemployment has reached a six-year high, new figures show, with the number of people looking for work rising by 224,000 over the past year to 1.65 million. The number of people claiming Jobseekers’ allowance has also continued to rise – it now stands at just under one million people, up 5,900 since last month and… Read more »

Unions ‘stuck in the past’

The militancy that governs the words and actions of trade union leaders threatens to make the organisations “irrelevant”, a former TUC economics chief warns today. In a new pamphlet from the Fabian Society, David Coats warns that unions are “stuck in the past, fighting battles in a class war that is of little relevance to… Read more »