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Sleep deprived doctors concerned about patient safety

Over a third of doctors say they feel sleep deprived on at least a weekly basis and over a quarter have been in a position where tiredness has impacted their ability to treat patients, a new survey by the Medical Defence Union (MDU) has found. The UK’s leading medical defence organisation carried out the survey… Read more »

BASC launches second newspaper campaign
Has your wild game hero been shortlisted?

Following over 250 businesses being nominated, the Eat Game Awards’ shortlist has been published ahead of a public vote to reveal this year’s wild game heroes. In its fourth year, the Eat Game Awards seek to celebrate and reward those who are championing wild game, and going the extra mile to promote and utilise the produce. Categories… Read more »

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NHS management: Paid seven times more than nurses
Anger over NHS managers’ pay

By politics.co.uk staff NHS managers have received an average pay increase of seven per cent, a new report has found. The Incomes Data Services report into boardroom pay found senior managers have an average salary of £147,500. Chief executives earned seven times the salary of nurses, the report found. Unions have questioned the above-inflation salary… Read more »

Parliamentary reform on the agenda
Liverpool Wavertree: huge investment in hospital may not save Labour

By Chris Bradley A previously safe Labour seat in Liverpool may be lost – despite a government announcement on a new hospital. The Royal Liverpool University Hospital in the Wavertree constituency is to be rebuilt at the cost of £450 million over the next five years. Luciana Berger is Labour candidate for the seat, currently… Read more »