The Medical Defence Union (MDU) is calling on the government to take concerted action to prevent and reduce violence against healthcare staff. In an article published in the MDU journal, which examines cases reported by members, the UK’s leading medical defence organisation found that only a handful of doctors and other healthcare professionals seek advice each… Read more »
The new Finance Bill published today introduces two new taxes, taking the total number of taxes introduced this century to 20. Apart from two one-off levies, none of these or any other taxes have been abolished over this period. The two new taxes in the new Finance Bill are: A Residential Property Developer Tax (RPDT)… Read more »
David Cameron is re-launching his campaign against the government’s so-called NHS cuts with a focus on the closure of NHS district hospitals. Mr Cameron will visit Worthing hospital today ahead of a second hospital visit in the West Midlands tomorrow and has threatened a “bare-knuckle fight” over hospital closures. Speaking to BBC Radio 4’s Today… Read more »
A lack of chiropody services is leaving thousands of older people housebound, a report has claimed. Age Concern’s Feet for Purpose warned older people are adversely affected by long waiting lists for foot care services in the NHS, with many being forced to pay for private care or rely on charitable help. The charity found… Read more »
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