After a successful campaign to improve the safe space provisions in the Health and Care Bill, the Medical Defence Union (MDU) explains why this is a step forward for patient safety. Following its return from the House of Lords to the House of Commons this week, both chambers have now agreed that coroners should not routinely… Read more »
The Medical Defence Union (MDU), the UK’s leading medical defence organisation, announced today it will be offering to waive the first year of membership subscriptions for doctors who are fleeing the Ukraine or other conflict zones and are looking to resume practice in NHS roles. This follows news that the GMC is planning to fast track… Read more »
Cameron and Miliband bore us to tears. Nadhim Zahawi’s patriotism resembles organ failure. Jamie Reed is sly. and Reckless is… sensible. It’s this week’s PMQs.
The international TTIP treaty, which could enforce the privatisation of the NHS, might be passed through the backdoor if the Canadian-EU Ceta treaty is passed
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