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Humanists UK comment on Catholic threat to close Guernsey state schools

The Catholic Bishop of Portsmouth, Philip Egan, who has responsibility for Guernsey, has threatened to close three state schools on the Bailiwick after objecting to an aspect of the proposed new anti-discrimination law. The Discrimination Ordinance, which will be debated by the States of Guernsey tomorrow, is set to outlaw religious discrimination, including teaching staff in schools, so… Read more »

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Cameron and Harman seemed genuinely warm towards each other during their last PMQs session
Cameron bids farewell to Harman

By Ian Dunt David Cameron and Harriet Harman have enjoyed a friendly and good-tempered end to their time exchanging insults at the Commons despatch boxes. It was Ms Harman’s final PMQs before the new Labour leader is unveiled at the start of the party conference in Manchester later this month. Ms Harman went beyond common… Read more »

Race of the Milibands: Ed confident, David scoring well in the polls.
Ed Miliband ‘confident’ but polls hint at David

By Ian Dunt Ed Miliband has said he’s “increasingly confident” of winning the Labour leadership even as polls show his brother has twice as much support. A ComRes poll for the Independent found that David Miliband was twice as popular as his younger sibling among people who had voted Labour at least once since 1992…. Read more »