Party Politics

BFAWU to recall Conference

Today the Labour Party has made a clear statement of intent in its aspiration to repair its relationship with the bosses but seems to be determined to widen the divide between the representatives of labour and those our movement represent. The recent decision to proscribe organisations is seen as a divisive and a purely factional… Read more »

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Double royal recognition for MDU’s employee training programmes

The excellence of the Medical Defence Union’s training for its membership and medico-legal team has been recognised by HRH the Princess Royal. City and Guilds group has awarded the Medical Defence Union (MDU) with two Princess Royal Training awards. The awards were made for the MDU’s membership development and medico-legal assistant training programmes. The not for profit,… Read more »

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Lib Dems not enjoying life in the coalition
More poll misery for Lib Dems

By staff A third of those who backed the Liberal Democrats at the general election would not do so now, according to a ComRes poll for the Independent. The latest bad polling news for Britain’s third party came after two polls at the weekend put the Lib Dems on 16%, seven points worse than… Read more »

Parliament at night. MPs voted on the Budget yesterday evening and will do again tonight
Lib Dems rebel against Budget

By staff Two Liberal Democrat MPs have rebelled against plans to increase VAT in the Budget. Mike Hancock, MP for Portsmouth South, and Bob Russell, MP for Colchester, sided with Labour to vote against the increase and became the first Lib Dems to vote against the coalition government. “Most of the Budget is unfortunately… Read more »