Party Politics

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MDU appoints new commercial director as digital services grow

The Medical Defence Union (MDU), a mutual membership body offering indemnity and medico-legal support to doctors and dental professionals, has appointed Andrew Archibald to the role of commercial director. Andrew and team are responsible for leading the development and growth of the MDU’s products and services to 200,000 doctor and dentist members. Having worked in… Read more »

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Cable: Last ditch call to Labour?
Cable ‘made last-ditch call to Brown’

Vince Cable made a last-ditch phone call to Gordon Brown trying to prevent a Lib-Con alliance, according to media reports. The Times reported today that the then-Lib Dem Treasury spokesman believed the party should throw in its lot with Labour rather than the Tories. The story, which relies on Labour sources, also reported that Nick… Read more »

Clegg and Cameron walk into Number 10 together
Clegg defends Lib-Con coalition

By staff Nick Clegg has defended the coalition government against criticism, telling those Lib Dems who are uncomfortable working with the Conservatives that it was the only way to respond to the general election result. The Lib Dem leader admitted it could be a difficult pill for Liberal Democrats to swallow, but insisted there… Read more »