Party Politics

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Curriculum Bill passes stage one in Senedd

A Bill that will make religious education in Wales fully inclusive of humanism has passed the first stage before becoming law. Wales Humanists – which has long campaigned for this change – has strongly welcomed the news, saying the Bill will make Wales ‘a world-leader in inclusive education’. Following a debate, Senedd members today voted… Read more »

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Austria’s top court decriminalises assisted dying

Helping ‘seriously ill’ people to end their lives will no longer be a criminal offence in Austria, following a judgment from the country’s top court. Humanists UK, which campaigns for legal assisted dying across the UK, has welcomed the move as a victory for reason, compassion, and empathy. News of the decision comes just weeks after… Read more »

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City analysts have said a Lib/Lab pact could hurt the UK's credit rating
Lab/Lib pact will hurt credit rating, bankers warn

By staff A coalition between Liberal Democrats and the Labour party could lead to a downgrading of Britain’s credit rating, City analysts have warned. Experts at BNP Paribas have said: “Lab/Lib government is the least liked option by markets and would almost guarantee a downgrade of the UK sovereign [debt].” At the moment Britain… Read more »

Westminster is awash with rumours and meetings again today
Unions and Thatcherites pile on coalition pressure

By Ian Dunt Labour and the Conservatives both came under pressure over talks with the Liberal Democrats today. The Unite union, Labour’s most important financial backer, wrote to the 100-strong Unite parliamentary group of MPs urging them to back a coalition today. “As you know Labour are now in formal talks with the Liberal Democrats… Read more »