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Rural mental health inquiry must account for gamekeepers and shooting, says BASC

The British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC) has raised the importance of recognising the challenges faced by gamekeepers and the physical and mental health benefits of shooting within the Environment Food Rural Affairs (EFRA) committee’s mental health inquiry. The wide-ranging inquiry launched in November 2021 will set out recommendations about how the government can… Read more »

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MPA to respond to stop and search powers next week
Met cautious on stop and search extension

Stop and search powers should not be extended without the support of the communities likely to be extended, the Metropolitan Police Authority (MPA) said today. With the government poised to extend powers to stop and search suspects under the guise of cutting police paperwork, the MPA warned stop and search powers must be used with… Read more »

Smith to cut police paperwork
Smith ‘to extend stop and search’

The police’s powers to stop and search people will be extended, the home secretary is set to announce. Jacqui Smith is reportedly planning to cut bureaucracy surrounding police stop and searches as part of a bid to tackle rising gun and knife crime. The move follows a review of policing by Sir Ronnie Flanagan, who… Read more »