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Jersey Assembly votes for humane right to die law

Jersey’s States Assembly today approved a proposal to change the law on assisted dying for adult islanders with terminal or incurable conditions, who have a clear and settled wish to end their lives. Channel Islands Humanists, part of Humanists UK, which campaigns for a right to die for those with terminal or incurable illnesses, praised the debate… Read more »

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MCB cheif says Friday's anti-terror raid could threaten community relations
Muslim leader warns of breakdown in trust

Trust could break down between police and the Muslim population if the reasons for Friday’s anti-terror raid in London are not made clear, a community leader has warned. Muhammad Abdul Bari, the new head of the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB), said the police must explain why the dawn raid in Forest Gate, in which… Read more »

IPCC called in after man shot during dawn anti-terror raid
Man shot by police in London anti-terror raid

Police have shot a man and arrested another during an anti-terror raid on a house in east London early this morning. The injured man, 23, is not in a life-threatening condition, but the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) has been called and has already begun its investigations. Since being admitted to hospital, he has been… Read more »