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Plans to limit legal fees in dental claims a welcome first step says DDU

Plans to limit legal fees in dental claims a welcome first step says DDU Responding to the publication of a government consultation on limiting claimant’s legal fees for cases valued up to £25,000, John Makin, head of the DDU, said: “This consultation has been a long time coming and is a welcome first step. However, for a… Read more »

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MDU appoints new head of Scottish affairs to champion member interests

The Medical Defence Union (MDU) has appointed Mr Jerard Ross as head of Scottish affairs to champion the interests of the MDU’s growing number of members in Scotland. Over the last four years Scottish membership has grown almost 30%, according to the MDU, the UK’s leading medical defence organisation. Jerard, who has worked at the… Read more »

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Williams answered critics at Synod.
PM defends Williams’ “integrity”

The prime minister has described the Archbishop of Canterbury as a “man of great integrity” after he defended his comments on Sharia law. Rowan Williams told the Church of England Synod this afternoon that he had not been advocating the introduction of the Islamic legal code in the UK. Dr Williams said last week it… Read more »

The guidance aims to tackle extremism within universities
University guide to tackling extremism launched

New guidance promoting community cohesion and preventing violent extremism in further education (FE) colleges has been announced by minister for further and higher education Bill Rammell. The proposals, released today, call on FE colleges to play a greater role in protecting students and staff from those who wish to intimidate and promote violence. “Our shared… Read more »