More and more couples having humanist weddings in England and Wales are expressing their frustration at the growing waiting times before they can also have a civil marriage and so be married in the eyes of the law. The backlogs in many parts of the country are a result of the coronavirus pandemic and the… Read more »
The share of adults in Northern Ireland with no religion is surging, according to the latest data from the Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey. The results of the 2020 survey have just been published. 27% of respondents said they had no religion – an increase of 7% on 2019. This latest surge means that the overall… Read more »
Students ordered to cover up T-Shirts depicting Jesus and Mohammed or risk being physically removed.
It’s a hard knock life for MPs, being threatened with an 11% pay rise against your will. Plus gender segregation, DWP screw-ups, Home Office screw-ups, and the correct etiquette of the selfie.
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