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Plans to limit legal fees in dental claims a welcome first step says DDU

Plans to limit legal fees in dental claims a welcome first step says DDU Responding to the publication of a government consultation on limiting claimant’s legal fees for cases valued up to £25,000, John Makin, head of the DDU, said: “This consultation has been a long time coming and is a welcome first step. However, for a… Read more »

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MDU appoints new head of Scottish affairs to champion member interests

The Medical Defence Union (MDU) has appointed Mr Jerard Ross as head of Scottish affairs to champion the interests of the MDU’s growing number of members in Scotland. Over the last four years Scottish membership has grown almost 30%, according to the MDU, the UK’s leading medical defence organisation. Jerard, who has worked at the… Read more »

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Lord Adonis said every school should be connected to a business
Privatisation ‘affecting education’

The privatisation of schools is having a severe effect on children’s education, according to the man investigating commercialism’s effect on children. David Buckingham, professor of education at the Institute of Education and the man charged by education secretary Ed Balls to investigate the effect of commercialism on children, says his review would examine all aspects… Read more »

Pupils will soon be sitting their Sats tests
School testing harms children, say MPs

Minister will be under renewed pressure today to scrap school testing for 11-year-olds following a damning select committee report on the subject which found the tests undermined education standards and harmed children. The chairman of the schools select committee, Barry Sheerman, told BBC’s Panorama programme: “There’s something wrong with the amount of testing and assessment… Read more »