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Calderdale birdsong featured in new therapeutic recordings

The songs of moorland bird species have been recorded in the Calderdale area as part of a new campaign to provide their unique sounds to local care homes. The Moorland Chorus recording will be used as a therapeutic tool for those no longer able to easily access the uplands. Organised by the British Association for Shooting and… Read more »

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Deliver achievable clinical negligence reform without delay, says MDU

The House of Commons Health and Social Care Select Committee has published the report of its inquiry into NHS litigation reform. The Medical Defence Union (MDU) engaged closely with this inquiry, submitting written evidence. The MDU welcomes the publication of today’s report but cautioned against too much focus on fundamental and complex structural change, at… Read more »

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Resemblance? The beneficiary of the £7.2 billion Christmas tax bill
‘Osborne the Grinch’: Your £283 Xmas tax bill

By Peter Wozniak The tax bill on Christmas purchases for the average family will amount to £283 this year, the Taxpayers’ Alliance has warned. The campaign group has released a report today outlining total Christmas taxes of £7.2 billion – and warned that number could soar to £8 billion next once the planned rise in… Read more »

Alistair Darling prepares his final Budget - which did not contain a VAT hike, against his wishes
Darling: I wanted to raise VAT

By staff Former chancellor Alistair Darling has admitted he was barred from raising VAT by Gordon Brown. The clash between Labour’s last prime minister and Mr Darling, who eventually held VAT at 17.5% in his pre-election Budget, was revealed in former business secretary Peter Mandelson’s memoirs, The Third Man. Speaking on The Andrew Marr… Read more »