
Tactical voting has dominated 2010 campaigning

Tactical Voting

Tactical voting is broadly defined as voting for a party that is not your first-preference. The average tactical voter is said to be engaged with politics, pragmatic, and highly educated. In the 2019 General Election, some 19% of voters said they planned to vote tactically.Read More

Think Tanks

Think tanks are research and advocacy institutions that publish advice on a range of social, political and economic issues in hope of influencing policymakers and the power-holders of society. Here is an overview of the different 'policy wonks' across the political spectrum.Read More
MPs in the House of Commons, London announce the vote in the Government's Brexit-linked Taxation Bill | Copyright: PA

Third Reading

The Third Reading stage of a Bill is normally at least three days after the Report Stage and may last one or two days. Whereas in the Commons, the Third Reading is a debate looking back at the Bill's progress and forward to its implementation, in the Lords, it is a further, and final, opportunity for amendments.Read More