Issue Briefs

National Air Traffic Services

An overview of the National Air Traffic Services, covering its operations, its history, and the discussion about its potential privatisation.Read More
Blood test: The human price of Farage's HIV comments

National Blood and Transplant

An overview of the National Blood and Transplant Service, its operation, history, and the related political controversies that have surrounded this area.Read More

National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence

An overview of the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) covering its role, operations, history, and past political controversies.Read More
Living Wage

National Living Wage

An overview of the National Living Wage: the current levels, the history of minimal wage policy in the UK, and the political context and debate around the issue.Read More
National Parks

National Parks

An overview of National Parks in the UK, where they are, how they operate, the history of the designated status, and the ongoing political discussion around National Parks.Read More


An overview of the NATO alliance, covering its operation, history, and debates over funding and reform.Read More

Net Zero

An overview of the 'net zero' commitment on climate emissions made in the UK, what is involved, and how that compares in international terms.Read More
NHS still short of Nurses

NHS (National Health Service)

An overview of the NHS covering its origins and history, the development of the service, and current statistics around its scale and operation.Read More
NHS 111

NHS 111

NHS 111 replaced NHS Direct. An overview of the service covering its history, operations, and statistics.Read More

NHS prescription charges

An overview of prescription charges in the UK, how they work, the current system of exemptions, their history, what revenue they raise, and the arguments surrounding system reform.Read More
North Korean

North Korea

An overview of the North Korea nuclear weapons issue, its history, the debate around the effectiveness of UN sanctions, and the approaches taken towards the Kim Jong Un regime.Read More
Nuclear deterrent

Nuclear Deterrence

An overview of nuclear deterrence theory, the history of nuclear weapons in the UK, current agreements on non proliferation, and the arguments made for and against retaining nuclear warheads.Read More

Nuclear Power

An overview of nuclear power, covering the history of the industry, past nuclear accidents, its comparative size in the UK and abroad, and the arguments variously made for and against this source of energy.Read More
Nurses Pay

Nurses Pay

An overview of nurses pay in the United Kingdom, the current system and level, wage comparisons, and the intense political debate surrounding the issue of a pay rise for nurses.Read More
National Debt

UK National Debt

An overview of national debt in the UK: the current levels, how it is financed, the cost of repayment, the impact of coronavirus, the wider history, and the debate about its significance.Read More