Issue Briefs

Class sizes

Class Sizes

An overview of the political issue of class sizes covering its history, current levels, and the various arguments that accompany this debate.Read More
Climate Change Levy

Climate Change Levy

An overview of the Climate Change Levy: how it operates, who pays it, how it has changed, and the controversies surrounding this particular environmental tax.Read More


An overview of cloning, what is involved, its history, and the political debate that has surrounded the practice.Read More
Climate change

Conference of the Parties (COP26)

An overview of COP 26, covering the history of the Conference of the Parties, who attends, the Presidency, what happens, and what has been achieved at past events.Read More

Congestion charge

An overview of the London congestion charge, covering its current operation and levels, its history, and the conflicting arguments made arounds its impact and benefits.Read More
More band news for town halls?

Council tax

An overview of Council Tax, how it works, what it collects, arguments for and against the current system, and suggestions for reform.Read More
A Crossrail construction site. The contract has seen blacklisting of construction workers, Unite claims


An overview of the Crossrail project, covering its political objectives, costs, and expected completion.Read More
Crown prosecution guilty of breaching the human rights act

Crown Prosecution Service

An overview of the Crown Prosecution Service, coverings its operations, history, and criticisms regularly levelled at the prosecutor.Read More


An overview of cycling policy in the UK, details of the cycle to work scheme, the current levels of cycling, and the calls made for further policy reform.Read More
Dangerous Dogs

Dangerous Dogs

An overview of the efforts to control dangerous dogs in the UK, alongside the level of dog attacks, past legislation, and proposals for further reform.Read More


An overview of deforestation: what is involved; how fast it is happening; what is the impact; and what is involved with the public policy response and political debate.Read More
Disability discrimination

Disability discrimination

An overview of the current legal framework and history or protection around disability discrimination in the United Kingdom.Read More
mobile phone driving

Driving and mobile phones

An overview of the current legal framework relating to the use of a mobile phone when driving, its history, related statistics, and the calls made for further reform.Read More


An overview of the UK drugs policy, covering its history and different regulations.Read More

Embassies, High Commissions and Consulates

An overview of the role played by British Embassies, High Commissions and Consulates.Read More
Employment rights

Employment rights

An overview of employment rights in the UK, what is involved, how that compares internationally, its history, and the associated political debate around this issue.Read More


An overview of the political debate around assisted dying in the UK, the current legal position, the state of public opinion, the proposals for reform, and the arguments made for and against the change.Read More


An overview of extradition law and policy in the UK, its history, how it works, the impact of Brexit, and the debate around a reform of the system.Read More


An overview of the political issue of extremism in the UK: the various forms in which extremism manifests itself, current statistics, and what action the government is taking.Read More