Issue Briefs

Hate Crime

Hate Crime

An overview of hate crime in the UK: what is covered, the history of the issue, its current levels, how hate crime is dealt with by UK legislation, and the surrounding debate.Read More

Heathrow expansion

An overview of the debate around the construction of a third runway at Heathrow, its history, the current situation, the alternatives, and the arguments made for and against expansion at Heathrow.Read More
Tory-sponsored private bill aims to protect the high street

High Streets

An overview of the plight of the High Street, covering the threats that it has been facing, and the current initiatives to try and restore town centres.Read More


An overview of public policy in the UK in relation to HIV, statistics, and details of the global initiatives being taken in relation to HIV. Read More


An overview of homelessness in the United Kingdom, its various causes, its forms, statistics, and the related political debate.Read More


An overview of the political issue of homophobia both in the UK and the wider world, covering the current legal framework, hate crime, and the LGBT composition of the British Parliament.Read More
Honours system

Honours System

An overview of the operation of the British honours system, who is eligible for honours, how they are awarded, alongside the criticisms of the wider practice.Read More
"A bill will be brought forward to reform the composition of the House of Lords"

House of Lords Reform

An overview of House of Lords reform, covering its history, the role of the Bishops, the debate around reform, and the different alternative proposals for the second chamber.Read More
Housing Benefit

Housing benefit

An overview of Housing Benefit, its history, changes in light of the introduction of Universal Credit, and the various debates and controversies involving the provision of housing benefits.Read More


An overview of High Speed 2 (HS2), including the project's objectives and plans, its history, expected costs, current timetable, and the arguments being made for and against its construction. Read More
Human Rights

Human Rights

An overview of human rights both in the UK and internationally. The current legislative framework, the role of The European Court of Human Rights, and the debate that exists around the Human Rights ActRead More

Identity Cards

An overview of the debate around national identity cards, their history in the UK, and the debate for and against ID cards.Read More


An overview of UK immigration policy, historical and comparable international levels, the visa system, proposed immigration from Hong Kong, and the various arguments surrounding the immigration issue.Read More

Immigration Removal Centres

An overview of Immigration Removal Centres, detailing their use, their early history and recent reform, alongside the debate around their use.Read More


An overview of IndyRef2, the legal framework surrounding a second vote, the arguments made for and against such a poll, and the growing rise in support for Scottish Independence.Read More
Interest Rates

Interest Rates

An overview of UK interest rate policy, how interest rates work, who sets them, their history, and the debate around their operation.Read More
Lecturers were asked to report on Islamic extremists


An overview of the issue of Islamphobia, a definition, the form it takes, and its relationship with British politics.Read More


An overview of the operation of ITV, and its obligations to continue to provide local news.Read More
Superme Court

Judicial Independence

An overview of judicial independence in the UK, the impact of the major reforms in 2005, and the controversy surrounding the judiciary and Brexit.Read More