Political Profiles

Diane Abbot is MP for Hackney North and Stoke Newington, Labour

Abbott, Diane

Diane Abbot was the first black woman to be elected to Parliament. The veteran left winger has been an MP for well over thirty years. At school she performed in Romeo and Juliet with Michael Portillo, albeit not in the title roles.Read More
Alok Sharma is MP for Reading West, Conservative

Alok Sharma

Alok Sharma, is the UK Cabinet Minister who will be President of the COP26 UN Climate Change Conference. He was born in India, but moved to Reading, where he is now the MP, at the age of five. Read More
Yvette Cooper

Balls, Edward

The long time advisor to Gordon Brown sat in the last Labour Cabinet. He was Shadow Chancellor between 2010 and 2015. Now a broadcaster, he is married to Yvette Cooper MP, and enjoys baking. He has famously overcome a stammer.Read More
John Bercow

Bercow, John

John Bercow was the Commons Speaker through one of British politics most turbulent decades.  Depending on whom you ask, he is either a national icon, or simply the worst Speaker in modern British history.Read More
Gordon Brown is MP for Kirkcaldy and Cowdenbeath, Labour

Brown, Gordon

Gordon Brown served as Prime Minister between 2007 and 2010. He was previously the longest serving Chancellor since Gladstone. As a boy, he used to sell the programmes for his local football team, Raith Rovers. Read More
Andy Burnham

Burnham, Andy

Andy Burnham, the Mayor of Greater Manchester, is the self styled 'King of the North'. The bookies favourite to be the next Labour leader, he has twice stood for the position before. In his 2010 bid, he received a £10,000 donation from footballer, Jamie Carragher.Read More
Official records show James Callaghan threatened to resign as PM rather than give in to possible police strike

Callaghan, James

Jim Callaghan is Britain‘s longest-lived Prime Minister, dying at the age of 93, A former tax inspector, he is the only person to have ever held all four ‘great offices‘ of the British state.Read More
David Cameron

Cameron, David

David Cameron was Prime Minister between 2010 and 2016. Having been on the winning side on the Alternative Vote and Scottish Independence referendums, his winning run came to an abrupt end in the 2016 Brexit vote.Read More
Alastair Campbell said UK's media has been subverted by a small number of journalists

Campbell, Alistair

The former Downing Street Director of Communications remains involved in politics. He is a triathlete, cold water swimmer, and an accomplished player of the bagpipes.Read More
Carrie Symonds

Carrie Johnson

The Prime Minister's wife, Carrie Johnson, is the daughter of a founder of the Independent Newspaper, and the granddaughter of a Labour MEP. Once the Conservative Party's Director of Communications in her own right, she campaigns against animal cruelty.Read More

Clarke, Kenneth

As an MP for nearly 50 years, Kenneth Clarke sat in the governments of Heath, Thatcher, Major and Cameron. He stood three times for the Conservative leadership. Clarke attended the 1966 World Cup Final.Read More
Nick Clegg

Clegg, Nick

The former Lib Dem Leader and Deputy Prime Minister, is now President of Global Affairs for Facebook. Living in the US, he recently purchased a $9 million mansion in California.Read More
Yvette Cooper, shadow home secretary, on police privatisation and financial crime

Cooper, Yvette

Yvette Cooper is the Shadow Home Secrtary, former Labour Cabinet Minister and former Chair of the Commons Home Affairs Committee. She is married to Ed Balls. Her father was once General Secretary of the Trade Union, Prospect.Read More
The media attack on Corbyn has been savage

Corbyn, Jeremy

The former Labour Leader, now runs a 'Project for Peace and Justice'. The six times winner of the Parliamentary beard of the year, Corbyn grew up in Shropshire where he attended prep school.Read More
Edinburgh South West, Labour

Darling, Alistair

As a student activist, the former Labour Chancellor Alistair Darling, was said to have handed out Marxist leaflets. In 2015, he joined the Board of the bank Morgan Stanley.Read More
Ed Davey

Davey, Sir Ed

The current Liberal Democrat leader, is said to have been put off Conservative Politics 'for life' after attending a Young Conservatives disco in his youth. A childhood carer, both Davey's parents died before he was 16.Read More
Anneliese Dodds

Dodds, Anneliese

Previously the first ever female Shadow Chancellor, Dodds is now Chair of the Labour Party. A native of Aberdeen, she has previously described the idea that there is some sort of separate Scottish race as 'a fiction' and 'very bizarre'.Read More
People 'can enjoy their Christmas with loved ones' says Raab as Omicron rates rise

Dominic Raab

The son of Czech refugees, Raab is Deputy Prime Minister and Justice Secretary. He served as Foreign Secretary between 2019 and 2021. A lawyer who once defended Tony Blair at the Hague against a subpoena from former Yugoslav President Milošević, Raab has a black belt in Karate and an Oxford Boxing Blue.Read More

Drakeford, Mark

The First Minister of Wales has been described as 'more post office than box office', but nevertheless won a convincing victory in the 2021 elections. A clarinet player, he says he would be a cricket groundsman, if living again.Read More