Political Profiles

Theresa May became the oldest prime minister since Thatcher when she turned 60 yesterday.

May, Theresa

Prime Minister between 2016 and 2019, Theresa May was previously the longest serving Home Secretary for sixty years. Since leaving office, she has earned considerable sums on the commercial speaking circuit.Read More
David Miliband

Miliband, David

The former Foreign Secretary now lives and works in New York. He has been careful not to rule out a return to UK politics. He joined the Labour Party at early age, much to the consternation of his father, the leading Marxist academic.Read More
Peter Murrell

Murrell, Peter

Peter Murrell is not well known to the public. However, as Chief Executive of the SNP for over 20 years, and husband of Scottish First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, Murrell is one of the most influential people in Scottish politics.Read More
Rishi Sunak leaves No. 11 Downing Street ahead of his summer statement to Parliament (photo: Press Association)

Murthy, Akshata

Akshata Murthy is a fashion designer and wife of the UK Chancellor, Rishi Sunak, Her share in Infosys, the software firm founded by her parents, has been estimated to make her richer than the Queen.Read More