Political Profiles

David Miliband

Miliband, David

The former Foreign Secretary now lives and works in New York. He has been careful not to rule out a return to UK politics. He joined the Labour Party at early age, much to the consternation of his father, the leading Marxist academic.Read More
Peter Murrell

Murrell, Peter

Peter Murrell is not well known to the public. However, as Chief Executive of the SNP for over 20 years, and husband of Scottish First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, Murrell is one of the most influential people in Scottish politics.Read More
Rishi Sunak leaves No. 11 Downing Street ahead of his summer statement to Parliament (photo: Press Association)

Murthy, Akshata

Akshata Murthy is a fashion designer and wife of the UK Chancellor, Rishi Sunak, Her share in Infosys, the software firm founded by her parents, has been estimated to make her richer than the Queen.Read More
Michelle O'Neill

O’Neill, Michelle

Michelle O'Neill is Vice President of Sinn Fein, and the Party's Leader in Northern Ireland. O'Neill became the first leader of Sinn Féin not to have an IRA past, although her father was once a provisional IRA prisoner during the Troubles.Read More
George Osborne is MP for Tatton, Conservative

Osborne, George

The Chancellor of the Exchequer between 2010 and 2016, Osborne stepped down from Westminster in 2017 at the age of 45. Osborne can be said to have ended his political career, by the age, that most politicians are just getting started.Read More
Priti Patel MP

Patel, Priti

Priti Patel has been Home Secretary since 2019. Patel previously worked as the press officer for the Referendum Party. Her father once stood for UKIP in local council elections.Read More
Robert Peston

Peston, Robert

Robert Peston is the current Political Editor of ITV News. Peston is the son of a Labour Peer. During his youth, Peston has admitted wanting to himself become Prime Minister.Read More
Jess Phillips

Phillips, Jess

Jess Phillips, has been the Labour MP for Birmingham Yardley since 2015. Despite her criticisms of the Corbynite left, Philips actually quit the Labour Party in 2005 over her opposition to the Iraq War.Read More
Michael Portillo

Portillo, Michael

The former Defence Secretary, who starred in a Ribena advert at the age of 8, left the Commons in 2005. Now known as a railway broadcaster, Portillo describes his greatest political achievement as saving the Settle to Carlisle railway.Read More
John Prescott

Prescott, John

John Prescott served as Deputy Prime Minister between 1997 and 2007. Once a ship steward, and a waiter, in 1957, Prescott served the former Prime Minister Anthony Eden only nine days after his resignation.Read More
Rachel Reeves: One of three Labour MPs demanding red line on freedom of movement

Rachel Reeves

A former Bank of England economist, `Rachel Reeves is the current Shadow Chancellor. Her husband was once a speech writer for Gordon Brown, during his time as Chancellor.Read More
BBC Sports Personality of the Year 2020

Rashford, Marcus

During the course of his 2020 expedition into British politics, the unelected footballer, can be said to have exerted more influence on policy, than many MPs might do in a twenty year backbench career at Westminster.Read More
Angela Rayner MP

Rayner, Angela

Angela Rayner is the Deputy Leader of the Labour Party. She previously announced becoming a grandmother at the comparatively young age of 37, with the Twitter hashtag #Grangela.Read More
Jacob Rees-Mogg wants a Tory-only government to roll back the state

Rees-Mogg, Jacob

Having previously been described as 'the Member of Parliament for the 18th century', Jacob Rees-Mogg is the minister for Brexit Opportunities. His father was formerly the Editor of the Times newspaper.Read More
Sophy Ridge

Ridge, Sophy

Sophy Ridge is the anchor of the Sky News political interview programme, Sophy Ridge. She has enjoyed a meteoric rise in political broadcasting, despite growing up in a household that lacked a TV until she was 13.Read More
Amber Rudd

Rudd, Amber

The former Home Secretary stood down from Westminster in 2019, but has refused to rule out a political comeback. She is apparently a direct descendent of the 17th century King, Charles II.Read More
Alex Salmond

Salmond. Alex

Having left the SNP, the former party leader and Scottish First Minister, set up the Alba Party. However he failed to secure more than 2% of the vote in the 2021 Scottish elections.Read More
Stanley Johnson

Stanley Johnson

Best known as the father of Boris, Stanley Johnson was once a politician in his own right. An animal welfare and environmental campaigner, in 1984 he was awarded the Greenpeace Prize for Outstanding Services to the Environment.Read More

Starmer, Keir Sir

Keir Starmer was elected Labour leader in 2020 with 56% of the vote. Before being first elected to Parliament in 2015, he was the Director of Public Prosecutions. Starmer is also an amateur footballer and vegetarian.Read More