Members of Parliament

Mike Kane MP

Kane, Mike

Labour MP for Wythenshawe & Sale East. Former primary school teacher, and Manchester City Councillor. Seen as being on the right of the Party. Plays the flute.Read More
Daniel Kawczynski is MP for Shrewsbury and Atcham, Conservative

Kawczynski, Daniel

Conservative MP for Shrewsbury and Atcham. Polish born MP who worked as a telecommunications account manager. At 6 foot 7, he is the tallest MP at Westminster. Accused of bullying Commons staff over an IT issue in 2021.Read More

Kearns, Alicia

Conservative MP for Rutland and Melton. Former consultant on counter terrorism. Elected in 2019. Labour voter who only started supporting the Conservatives in the 2015 General Election.Read More

Keegan, Gillian

Conservative MP for Chichester. Health Minister. Liverpudlian who worked as an apprentice at the Kirby car factory. Later developed a successful business career in marketing. Family friend of John Bercow.Read More
Barbara Keeley is MP for Worsley and Eccles South, Labour

Keeley, Barbara

Labour MP for Worsley and Eccles South. Served in the last Labour government. Former Trafford Councillor who used to work for IBM. Recovered from breast cancer.Read More
Liz Kendall MP

Kendall, Liz

Labour MP for Leicester West. Formerly worked in think tanks and as Director of the Ambulance Service Network. On the right of Labour. Unsuccessfully stood for the leadership in 2015.Read More

Khan, Afzal

Labour MP for Manchester Gorton. Former police officer, who retrained as a solicitor. Former MEP, Manchester Councillor and Mayor, and assistant Secretary-General of the Muslim Council of Britain. Read More
Stephen Kinnock MP at the World Economic Forum

Kinnock, Stephen

Labour MP for Aberavon. Formerly worked for the British Council. Son of Neil Kinnock and husband to the former Danish Prime Minister. Keen runner.Read More
Greg Knight MP

Knight, Greg

Conservative MP for East Yorkshire. Veteran MP who previously represented Derby North and was Deputy Chief Whip in the Major government. Founder member of the Parliamentary rock band, MP4. Author. Likes classic cars.Read More
Julian Knight MP

Knight, Julian

Conservative MP for Solihull. Former BBC Journalist who opposes the BBC licence fee. Former Money and Property Editor for the Independent. Writes books 'for dummies' including 'cricket for dummies' and 'politics for dummies'. Interested in animal welfare.Read More

Kruger, Danny

Conservative MP for Devizies. Eton educated, speech writer to David Cameron behind the 'hug a hoodie' phrase. Telegraph leader writer and charity founder. Political secretary to Boris Johnson in 2019. Son of Bake Off presenter, Prue Leith.Read More
Kwasi Kwarteng MP

Kwarteng, Kwasi

Conservative MP for Spelthorne. Business Secretary. Former city analyst and author. Has a PhD in history, once a Kennedy Scholar at Harvard University. Once captain of a series winning team on University Challenge - he answered a large number of the questions.Read More

Kyle, Peter

Peter Kyle, Labour MP for Hove. Shadow Northern Ireland Secretary. Labour MP for Hove. Former civil servant, youth worker, set up an orphanage in Romania. Struggled with dyslexia as a child.  Seen as being on the right of Labour.Read More