Members of Parliament

O’Brien, Neil

Conservative MP for Harborough. Junior minister, once Boris Johnson's 'Levelling up' advisor. Former advisor to George Osborne and Theresa May when in Downing Street. Worked previously in think tank world for Policy Exchange and Open Europe.Read More
Brendan O'Hara MP

O’Hara, Brendan

SNP MP for Argyll & Bute. Former television producer. Strong opponent of nuclear weapons.Read More
Matthew Offord MP

Offord, Matthew

Conservative MP for Hendon. Former political analyst with the BBC, and Barnet Councillor. Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society who explored the Libyan desert. Sailor and yachtsman who has competed in the Fastnet race.Read More

Olney, Sarah

Liberal Democrat‌ MP‌ ‌for‌ Richmond Park. Former accountant. Lib Dem spokesperson on Climate Change. Fierce opponent of Heathrow expansion.Read More

Onwurah, Chi

Labour MP for Newcastle upon Tyne Central. Worked in computer software, became Head of Telecoms Technology at Ofcom. Previously on the board of the anti apartheid movement. Newcastle United Fan.Read More
Guy Opperman MP

Opperman, Guy

Conservative MP for Hexham Junior pensions minister. Former criminal barrister. Supports an elected House of Lords. Suffered from a brain tumour in 2011. Amateur jockey who competes in point to point races.Read More

Oppong-Asare, Abena

Labour MP for Erith and Thamesmead. First elected in 2019. Former Erith Councillor, who previously worked as the equalities lead at London City Hall. Chair of Labour Women's Network.Read More

Osamor, Kate

Labour MP for Edmonton. Former GP Practice Manager who also worked for the Big Issue. Positioned on the left of the Labour Party. Daughter of Labour Peer, Baroness Osamor.Read More

Osborne, Kate

Labour MP for Jarrow. Former Royal Mail Worker. Foster Carer. North Tyneside Councillor. Member of the socialist campaign group of MPs, positioned on the left of the Labour Party.Read More

Oswald, Kirsten

SNP MP for East Renfrewshire. Deputy Leader of the SNP at Westminster since 2020. Former Human Resources Manager at Lanarkshire College.Read More

Owatemi, Taiwo

Labour MP for Coventry North West. Former oncology pharmacist specialising in cancer and palliative. First elected in 2019.Read More

Owen, Sarah

Labour MP for Luton North. First elected in 2019. First female MP of Chinese descent. Former political officer at the GMB union, and political advisor to Lord Sugar, of TV Apprentice fame.Read More