Members of Parliament

Shailesh Vara is MP for North West Cambridgeshire, Conservative

Vara, Shailesh

Conservative MP for North West Cambridgeshire. Former minister, who became the first to resign in protest at Theresa May's withdrawal agreement. Solicitor. Born in Uganda, moved to the UK at the age of 4.Read More
Valerie Vaz is MP for Walsall South, Labour

Vaz, Valerie

Labour MP for Walsall South. Former Shadow Leader of the Commons. Solicitor, and once a Deputy District Judge. Former Ealing councillor. Sister of ex Labour MP, Keith Vaz.Read More
Martin Vickers MP

Vickers, Martin

Conservative MP for Cleethorpes. Previously worked in printing industry, retail, and as agent to Edward Leigh MP. Grimsby Councillor. Considered to be on the right of the Conservative Party. Christian, and former church warden.Read More

Vickers, Matt

Conservative MP for Stockton South. Former party agent for William Hague and Rishi Sunak. Former Stockton Councillor who claims to have laid bricks, stacked shelves, and pulled pints in his constituency. Assaulted during the 2019 election campaign.Read More
Chipping Barnet, Conservative

Villiers, Theresa

Conservative MP for Chipping Barnet. Former Cabinet Minister under David Cameron, and later Boris Johnson. One time Member of the European Parliament. Former barrister and law lecturer. Constituency continues to become more marginal.Read More