Members of Parliament

George Howarth is the Labour MP for Knowsley

Howarth, George

Labour MP for Knowsley. Veteran MP. Former Minister in the last Labour government. Former teacher, engineer, and local councillor. Represents the safest seat in the House of Commons.Read More
John Howell is MP for Henley, Labour

Howell, John

Conservative MP for Henley. Former tax inspector, BBC business reporter, and partner at Ernst and Young. Took over as MP for Henley from Boris Johnson, but has since been critical of the PM. Holds a PHD in archaeology.Read More

Howell, Paul

Conservative MP for Sedgefield. Gained Tony Blair's old seat. Former accountant with a large property portfolio in the north east of England. Late to politics, did not join the Conservative Party till he was fifty.Read More
Lindsay Hoyle

Hoyle, Sir Lindsay

Lindsay Hoyle is the 158th Speaker of the House of Commons. He owns a parrot called Boris, apparently named after the Prime Minister'. The parrot has apparently mastered his owner's famous cry of 'Order, Order'.Read More
Nigel Huddleston MP

Huddleston, Nigel

Conservative MP for Mid Worcestershire. Junior Minister. Former management consultant, who was industry head of travel for Google. Member of the Tory Reform Group, on the left of the Conservative Party.Read More

Hudson, Neil

Neil Hudson is‌ ‌the Conservative‌ ‌MP‌ ‌for Penrith and the Border‌‌,‌ ‌having‌ ‌first‌ ‌been‌ ‌elected‌ ‌to‌ ‌Parliament‌ ‌in‌ 2019, with a majority of 18,159. The Penrith and the Border constituency ‌is‌ ‌found‌ ‌within‌ ‌the‌ ‌county‌ ‌of‌ Cumbria ‌and‌ ‌covers the town of Penrith and several other towns and villages close to the Scottish Border‌.  One...Read More

Hughes, Eddie

Conservative MP for Walsall North. Junior housing Minister. Former Chairman of Walsall Housing group and Walsall councillor.Read More

Hunt, Jane

Conservative MP for Loughborough. Former Civil Service manager and researcher to her predecessor, Nicky Morgan MP. Charnwood councillor.Read More
Jeremy Hunt is MP for South West Surrey, Conservative

Hunt, Jeremy

A former Foreign Secretary, Jeremy Hunt is also the longest serving Health Secretary in British history. He speaks Japanese, and loves ballroom dancing. His father was once Commander-in-Chief of the Fleet.Read More

Hunt, Tom

Conservative MP for Ipswich. Young MP, elected in 2019. Former MP researcher and Countryside Alliance press officer. Supports the flying of the Union Jack in schools.Read More

Huq, Rupa

Labour MP for Ealing Central and Acton. Nominated Jeremey Corbyn in 2015 but didn't vote for him. Former sociology lecturer. Has a PhD, used to be a DJ under the name Dr Huq. Sister of Blue Peter presenter.Read More

Hussain, Imran

Labour MP for Bradford East. Former Barrister. On the left of Labour, in 2015 called on the Party to reject the 'New Labour' creed. Once rejected a potential donation from Tony Blair to his election campaign.Read More

Jack, Alister

Conservative MP for Dumfries and Galloway. Secretary of State for Scotland. Successful entrepreneur who made millions in tent hire and storage businesses. Owns a dairy farm and a Christmas tree growing enterprise.Read More

Jardine, Christine

Liberal Democrat MP for Edinburgh West. Former BBC journalist and Scottish Editor of the Press Association. Liberal Democrat Treasury Spokesperson.Read More
Dan Jarvis, Labour MP

Jarvis, Dan

Labour MP for Barnsley Central. Sheffield City Region metro mayor. Former Major in the Parachute regiment. Served in Afghanistan.Read More
Sajid Javid is MP for Bromsgrove, Conservative

Javid, Sajid

Sajid Javid was the first person of colour to hold one of the ‘Great Offices of State’. Health Secretary. Living in Bristol, he grew up on what one tabloid dubbed 'Britain’s most dangerous street'. At school he was told to pursue a career in TV Repair.Read More
Ranil Jayawardena MP

Jayawardena, Ranil

Conservative MP for North East Hampshire. Junior Trade Minister. Formerly worked in government relations with Lloyds Bank. Elected to a safe seat at the age of 29. Christian, former Director of the Conservative Christian Fellowship.Read More
Bernard Jenkin MP asking a question at Edmund Burke Philosopher, Politician, Prophet

Jenkin, Bernard

Conservative MP for Harwich and North Essex. Veteran MP who is Chair of the Liaison Committee. Former venture capitalist. Euro sceptic. Son of a Conservative Cabinet Minister. His wife is also now a Conservative Peer.Read More

Jenkinson, Mark

Conservative MP for Workington. Elected in 2019. Electrician who is a self described working class Tory. Stood for this seat for UKIP in 2015. Allerdale councillor.Read More