Members of Parliament


Baillie, Siobhan

Conservative MP for Stroud. First elected in 2019. Former family law solicitor, and Camden Councillor. Read More

Bailey, Shaun

Conservative MP for West Bromwich West. Elected in 2019, at the age of 28, for Betty Boothroyd's old seat. Former trainee solicitor. Welsh speaker.Read More

Baker, Duncan

Conservative MP for Norfolk North. Former accountant and Finance Director. North Norfolk Councillor. Former member of UKIP.Read More

Badenoch, Kemi

Conservative MP for Saffron Walden. Government's Equalities Minister. Former software engineer, and member of the Greater London Assembly. Born in the UK, grew up in both the US and Nigeria.Read More

Bacon, Gareth

Conservative MP for Orpington. Former Bexley Councillor and Leader of the Conservatives on the London Assembly. Used to work in recruitment. Squash player, who has talked of his Manchester United season ticket.Read More

Black, Mhairi

SNP MP for Paisley & Renfrewshire South. Once the youngest MP in the Commons, elected just before she had completed her politics degree at Glasgow University.Read More

Brady, Mickey

Sinn Fein MP for Newry & Armagh. Member of the Northern Ireland Assembly. Former Welfare Rights Officer.Read More

Burgon, Richard

Labour MP for Leeds East. Corbyn ally and shadow cabinet minister pre 2020. Sacked by Starmer. On the hard left of the Labour Party. Republican. Nephew of a former Labour MP. Leeds United fan.Read More
Suella Fernandes MP

Braverman, Suella

Conservative MP for Fareham. Attorney General. First Cabinet Minister ever to take maternity leave. Former Chair of the European Research Group of MPs. Barrister. Read More
Kirsty Blackman MP

Blackman, Kirsty

SNP MP for Aberdeen North. Previously the SNP Deputy Leader at Westminster. Former Aberdeen councillor.Read More
Ian Blackford MP for Ross, Skye and Lochaber

Blackford, Ian

SNP MP for Ross, Skye & Lochaber. Leader of SNP at Westminster. Former SNP Treasurer. Used to work for Deutsche Bank. Member of the 'Tartan Army' who travels to watch the Scottish football team.Read More

Bardell, Hannah

SNP MP for Livingston. Former TV producer and press officer for the US State Department. One time office manager for Alex Salmond. Guitarist.Read More
Alan Brown MP

Brown, Alan

SNP MP for Kilmarnock & Loudoun. SNP Transport spokesperson. Former civil engineer. His strong accent has reportedly posed a problem for the Hansard transcribers in the House of Commons.Read More
Deidre Brock MP

Brock, Deidre

SNP MP for Edinburgh North and Leith. Australian actress who appeared in the soap 'Home and Away'. Moved to Scotland in 1996. Once the Deputy Lord Provost on Edinburgh City Council.Read More

Butler, Dawn

Labour MP for Brent Central. Minister under Gordon Brown. Ally of Jeremy Corbyn. Race and equality officer. On the Labour left. Ranked by Vogue as one of the 25 most influential women in the UK.Read More
Chris Bryant

Bryant, Chris

Labour MP for Rhondda. Runner up in the contest to succeed John Bercow. Critic of Jeremy Corbyn. Once head of European affairs at the BBC. Former vicar.Read More
Conor Burns is MP for Bournemouth West, Conservative

Burns, Conor

Conservative MP for Bournemouth West. Northern Ireland Minister. Former Southampton City Councillor. Gifted orator. Ally of the Prime Minister. Friend of Margaret Thatcher in her later years. Massive snooker fan.Read More
Kevin Brennan MP

Brennan, Kevin

Labour MP for Cardiff West. Junior minister under Gordon Brown. Former economics teacher. Rugby fan, member of a Parliamentary rock band.Read More
Robert Buckland is MP for Swindon South, Conservative

Buckland, Robert

Conservative MP for Swindon South. Former Secretary of State for Justice. Former barrister and Judge on the Midlands circuit. Grew up in Llanelli. On the left of the party, member of the Tory Reform Group.Read More