Members of Parliament


Fellows, Marion

SNP MP for Motherwell and Wishaw. SNP Small Business spokesperson, and herself a former business studies teacher. Active trade unionist.Read More
Richard Fuller is MP for Bedford, Conservative

Fuller, Richard

Conservative MP for North East Bedfordshire. Former Venture Capitalist who attended Harvard Business School. Member of the Tory Reform group on the left of the Party.Read More
Mike Freer is MP for Finchley and Golders Green, Conservative

Freer, Mike

Conservative MP for Finchley and Golders Green. Junior trade minister. Former banker. Once leader of Barnet Council.Read More
George Freeman is MP for Mid Norfolk

Freeman, George

Conservative MP for Mid Norfolk. Science Minister. Venture Capitalist. Son of grand national winning jockey. Once hitch hiked across Africa. Descendant of Gladstone.Read More
Yvonne Fovargue is MP for Makerfield, Labour

Fovargue, Yvonne

Labour MP for Makerfield. Former housing officer, who served on Warrington Council. Resigned from Labour front bench in 2019 to vote for a second Brexit referendum.Read More
Tim Farron is MP for Westmorland and Lonsdale, Liberal Democrats

Farron, Tim

Liberal Democrat MP for Westmorland and Lonsdale. Former Lib Dem Leader, Party President. Long standing MP. Strong Christian. Fell runner. Vegetarian. Winner of Celebrity Mastermind.Read More
Mark Francois MP

Francois, Mark

Conservative MP for Rayleigh and Wickford. Former soldier and lobbyist. Staunch Eurosceptic who is Chair of the European Research Group. Opponent of Theresa May. Has a massive majority of over 31,000.Read More
Michael Fabricant is MP for Lichfield, Conservative

Fabricant, Michael

Conservative MP for Lichfield. Ran his own business selling electronics to radio stations. Former sprinter. Multilingual. Distinctive hair. Suggested he might have voted for Tony Blair in 1997, if he hadn't been a Tory MP...Read More
Liam Fox MP

Fox, Liam

Conservative MP for North Somerset. Former Defence Secretary and International Trade Secretary. Doctor, who grew up in Scotland. On the Conservative right. Friend of Australian pop star, Natalie Imbruglia.Read More