Members of Parliament

Mary Glindon is MP for North Tyneside, Labour

Glindon, Mary

Labour MP for North Tyneside. Former admin officer at the DWP and local councillor. Roman Catholic who is pro-life and who opposed sex marriage.Read More
John Glen is MP for Salisbury, Conservative

Glen, John

Conservative MP for Salisbury. Junior Treasury Minister. Former management consultant. Once a magistrate at Horseferry Road. Committed Christian.Read More
Mark Garnier is MP for Wyre Forest, Conservative

Garnier, Mark

Conservative MP for Wyre Forest. Former junior Trade Minister. Investment banker. Former Forest of Dean Councillor.Read More
Michael Gove is MP for Surrey Heath, Conservative

Gove, Michael

Conservative MP for Surrey Heath. Cabinet Minister since 2010. Co convenor of the Leave campaign. Former Leader writer at the Times Newspaper. Grew up in Scotland. Seems to like nightclubs, leading to nickname John Bon Govi.Read More
Nia Griffith is MP for Llanelli, Labour

Griffith, Nia

Labour MP for Llanelli. One time Shadow Welsh Secretary. Formerly Shadow Defence Secretary under Jeremy Corbyn, with whom she disagreed on NATO and nuclear weapons. Former language teacher.Read More
Robert Goodwill is MP for Scarborough and Whitby, Conservative

Goodwill, Robert

Conservative MP for Scarborough and Whitby. Previously a junior Minister. Yorkshire Farmer. Former MEP. Steam engine enthusiast.Read More
Andrew Gwynne is MP for Denton and Reddish, Labour

Gwynne, Andrew

Labour MP for Denton and Reddish. Shadow health spokesman. Former Labour Campaigns Co-ordinator, once the youngest Labour MP. Has talked about battles with depression and long Covid. Son of the Sky Sports Darts commentator, John Gwynne. Read More
Michelle Gildernew MP

Gildernew, Michelle

Sinn Fein MP for Fermanagh and South Tyrone. Member of the Northern Ireland Assembly, and former Agriculture and Rural Development Minister in Northern Ireland.Read More
Chris Grayling is MP for Epsom and Ewell, Conservative

Grayling, Chris

Conservative MP for Epsom and Ewell. Cabinet Minister between 2012 and 2019. Former TV producer. Trustee of National Portrait Gallery. Author. Manchester United fan.Read More
Damien Green is MP for Ashford, Conservative

Green, Damian

Conservative MP for Ashford. One time Cabinet Minister and Deputy PM under Theresa May. Former journalist. On the left of the Conservative Party. Read More
James Gray MP

Gray, James

Conservative MP for North Wiltshire. Former P&O shipping broker and lobbyist. On the right of the Conservative Party. Has served in the Territorial Army.Read More
Nick Gibb MP

Gibb, Nick

Conservative MP for Bognor Regis and Littlehampton. Former long standing schools Minister who is very keen on synthetic phonics. One time tax accountant for KMPG.Read More
Lilian Greenwood MP

Greenwood, Lilian

Labour MP for Nottingham South. Current Labour Deputy Chief Whip. Former Chair of Transport Select Committee. Resigned from Shadow Cabinet in protest at Jeremy Corbyn's leadership. Trade union official with Unison for many years before becoming an MP.Read More
Barry Gardiner MP

Gardiner, Barry

Labour MP for Brent North. Former Shadow International Trade Secretary under Jeremy Corbyn. Minister in last Labour government. Attended Cambridge and Harvard Universities. Maritime arbitrator. His father played football for Scotland, whilst his son played for Wycombe FC.Read More