Members of Parliament

Laurence Robertson is MP for Tewkesbury, Conservative

Robertson, Laurence

Conservative MP for Tewkesbury. Varied career in event management, charity fund raising, and transport. Once the only worker in a company of 600 to refuse to join a union. On the right of the Conservative Party. Likes golf and horse racing.Read More
John Redwood is MP for Wokingham, Conservative

Redwood, John

Conservative MP for Wokingham. Former Secretary of State for Wales. Challenged John Major in 1995 leadership election. Head of Downing Street policy unit under Margaret Thatcher. On the Conservative right. Visiting professor at Middlesex University. Enjoys cricket. Read More
David Rutley is MP for Macclesfield, Conservative

Rutley, David

Conservative MP for Macclesfield. Junior welfare minister. Attended Harvard Business School and once ran Asda's home shopping business. Former Special Advisor in the Major government. Mountaineer and mormon.Read More
Rachel Reeves: One of three Labour MPs demanding red line on freedom of movement

Rachel Reeves

A former Bank of England economist, `Rachel Reeves is the current Shadow Chancellor. Her husband was once a speech writer for Gordon Brown, during his time as Chancellor.Read More
People 'can enjoy their Christmas with loved ones' says Raab as Omicron rates rise

Dominic Raab

The son of Czech refugees, Raab is Deputy Prime Minister and Justice Secretary. He served as Foreign Secretary between 2019 and 2021. A lawyer who once defended Tony Blair at the Hague against a subpoena from former Yugoslav President Milošević, Raab has a black belt in Karate and an Oxford Boxing Blue.Read More
Andrew Rosindell is MP for Romford, Conservative

Rosindell, Andrew

Conservative MP for Romford. Former Romford Councillor. Chair of a massive number of All Party Groups. On the right of the Conservative Party. Supports the return of the death penalty. Keen on the flying of the Union Jack flag.Read More