Members of Parliament

Jeremy Wright is MP for Kenilworth and Southam, Conservative

Wright, Jeremy

Conservative MP for Kenilworth and Southam. Former Culture Secretary and Attorney General under Theresa May. Barrister. Likes playing with lego.Read More
Ben Wallace is MP for Wyre and Preston North, Conservative

Wallace, Ben

Conservative MP for Wyre and Preston North. Defence Secretary, who attended Sandhurst and served in the Scots Guards. Former Member of the Scottish Parliament who later worked at QinetiQ. Once a ski instructor in his youth.Read More
Charles Walker MP

Walker, Charles

Conservative MP for Broxbourne. Former director of the staffing firm Blue Arrow. Conservative Grandee and officer of the 1922 Committee. Covid lockdown critic, who campaigns on mental health. Step son of former athlete, TV presenter, and Conservative MP, Christopher Chataway.Read More
Pete Wishart MP at Policy Fight Club

Wishart, Pete

SNP MP for Perth and North Perthshire. Longest serving SNP MP. Former keyboard player for Big Country and Runrig. Previously appeared on Top of the Pops. Chair of Scottish Affairs Select Committee.Read More
Hywel Williams MP

Williams, Hywel

Plaid Cymru MP for Arfron. Plaid's longest serving MP, and former party leader at Westminster. Previously a social worker specialising in mental health.Read More
Bill Wiggin is MP for North Herefordshire, Conservative

Wiggin, Bill

Conservative MP for North Herefordshire. Worked in the City as a Foreign Exchange Manager. Officer in the Territorial Army. Attended Eton with David Cameron. Farmer who keeps chickens and cows. Likes shooting and fishing. His father was a Conservative MP.Read More
David Whitehead is MP for Southhampton, Test, Labour

Whitehead, Alan

Labour MP for Southampton Test. Minister in the last Labour government. Former professor, who was leader of Southampton City Council. Renewable energy campaigner, one of the first MPs to install solar panels on his own roof.Read More
Rosie Winterton MP

Winterton, Rosie

Labour MP for Doncaster Central. Deputy Commons Speaker. Former Labour Chief Whip at Westminster, and Minister in last Labour government, Once personal assistant to John Prescott. Enjoys sailing.Read More
John Whittingdale is MP for Maldon, Conservative

Whittingdale, John

Conservative MP for Maldon. Former Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport. One time Chair of the Commons Culture Committee. Veteran MP. Previously political secretary to Margaret Thatcher during her time in Downing Street. Member of Mensa.Read More
Heather Wheeler MP

Wheeler, Heather

Conservative MP for South Derbyshire. Cabinet office minister. Once worked in insurance in the City. Former leader of South Derbyshire Council. Failed to become Chair of the 1922 Committee in 2021. Likes listening to the Archers.Read More
Robin Walker MP

Walker, Robin

Conservative MP for Worcester. Junior Minister. Oxford classicist, who was a Partner at the Communications firm, Finsbury. Son of former Worcester MP and Cabinet Minister, Peter Walker. Member of the Tory Reform Group, on the left of the party.Read More
Craig Whittaker

Whittaker, Craig

Conservative MP for Calder Valley. Government whip. Retail Manager at PC World. Grew up in Australia, moved to the UK in his early twenties. Former Calderdale Councillor.Read More

Williamson, Gavin

Gavin Williamson is the former Secretary of State for Education and Defence. When serving as the government Chief Whip, he was said to keep a tarantula on his desk. He worked in manufacturing before becoming an MP, his father apparently telling him to get a 'proper job' rather than one with the Conservative Party. Read More
Sammy Wilson is MP for East Antrim, Democratic Unionist Party

Wilson, Sammy

DUP MP for East Antrim. Veteran DUP Chief Whip at Westminster. Previously the Mayor of Belfast and an MLA. Former Teacher and examiner. Social Conservative.Read More