Members of Parliament

Andrew Rosindell is MP for Romford, Conservative

Rosindell, Andrew

Conservative MP for Romford. Former Romford Councillor. Chair of a massive number of All Party Groups. On the right of the Conservative Party. Supports the return of the death penalty. Keen on the flying of the Union Jack flag.Read More

Ross, Douglas

Conservative MP for Moray. Leader of the Scottish Conservative Party and also an MSP at Holyrood. Formerly worked on a Dairy Farm and Moray Councillor. High level football official, who has run the line at an 'old firm' game. In 2020 he was still acting as a linesman at international matches.Read More

Rowley, Lee

Conservative MP for North East Derbyshire. Junior Business Minister, Government Whip. Former management consultant and head of change at Coop Insurance. Westminster councillor. Accomplished swimmer.Read More

Russell-Moyle, Lloyd

Labour MP for Brighton Kemptown. Former Vice president of the European Youth Forum. Seeks to tackle the stigma of living with HIV. On the left of Labour. Claims the New Labour approach of 'placating capitalism has failed a generation'.Read More

Russell, Dean

Conservative MP for Watford. Formerly ran his own sales and marketing consultancy. Author of both 'Sales' books, and children's books such as 'Mouse and the moon made of cheese'. Plays the guitar and likes painting.Read More
David Rutley is MP for Macclesfield, Conservative

Rutley, David

Conservative MP for Macclesfield. Junior welfare minister. Attended Harvard Business School and once ran Asda's home shopping business. Former Special Advisor in the Major government. Mountaineer and mormon.Read More