Members of Parliament

David Mundell is MP for Dumfriesshire, Clydesdale and Tweeddale, Conservative

Mundell, David

Conservative MP for Dumfriesshire, Clydesdale and Tweeddale. Former Scottish Secretary, and Member of the Scottish Parliament. Former solicitor, who worked at British Telecom. Previously a Dumfries councillor, albeit for the SDP not the Conservatives.Read More
Ian Murray is MP for Edinburgh South, Labour

Murray, Ian

Labour MP for Edinburgh South. Shadow Scottish Secretary. Labour's only Scottish MP. Former Events management entrepreneur, and Edinburgh City Councillor. Unsuccessful in 2020 Labour Deputy leadership bid. On the right of the Labour Party, critical of Jeremy Corbyn. Read More

Murray, James

Labour MP for Ealing North. Former researcher to Emily Thornberry, and then Deputy Mayor in London for housing. Former Islington Councillor. Elected in 2019.Read More
Sheryll Murray  is MP for South East Cornwall, Conservative

Murray, Sheryll

Sheryll Murray , Conservative MP for South East CornwallRead More
Andrew Murrison MP

Murrison, Andrew

Conservative MP for South West Wiltshire. Former medical officer in the Royal Navy. Surgeon Commander in the Royal Naval Reserve. Former junior Minister. Author of the book, The Military Covenant.Read More
Bob Niell MP

Neill, Bob

Conservative MP for Bromley and Chislehurst. Chair of the Commons Justice Committee. Former junior Minister. Criminal Barrister. Former leader of the Conservatives on the Greater London Assembly.Read More
Gavin Newlands MP

Newlands, Gavin

SNP MP for Paisley & Renfrewshire North. Former restaurant manager who joined the SNP at the age of 12. Rugby player, and former captain of Paisley Rugby Club.Read More

Nichols, Charlotte

Labour MP for Warrington North. Young MP, first elected in 2019. Former union official with USDAW and the GMB. Convert to Reform Judaism. On the left of the Labour Party. Likes rugby league.Read More

Nici, Lia

Conservative MP for Grimsby. Elected in 2019. Former media lecturer and TV producer, once involved with the series Byker Grover. Former North East Lincolnshire councillor.Read More

Nicolson, John

SNP MP for Ochil and South Perthshire. Spokesperson on Culture, Digital and Sport. Former BBC Breakfast presenter, and BBC news anchor who was on air live during the 9/11 attacks. Joined the SNP at 16.Read More
Caroline Nokes is MP for Romsey and Southampton North, Conservative

Nokes, Caroline

Conservative MP for Romsey and Southampton North. Former immigration Minister, who temporarily lost the whip over Brexit in 2019. Former CEO of the National Pony Society. Daughter of a former Conservative MEP. On the left of the party.Read More
Jesse Norman is MP for Hereford and South Herefordshire, Conservative

Norman, Jesse

Conservative MP for Hereford and South Herefordshire. Former Treasury Minister. Worked in the City before becoming an academic and a lecturer in philosophy. Educated at Eton, school friend of Boris Johnson. Author. Likes jazz.Read More

Norris, Alex

Labour MP for Nottingham North. Former trade union official with Unison, and Nottingham City Councillor. Runner and Manchester City Fan.Read More

O’Brien, Neil

Conservative MP for Harborough. Junior minister, once Boris Johnson's 'Levelling up' advisor. Former advisor to George Osborne and Theresa May when in Downing Street. Worked previously in think tank world for Policy Exchange and Open Europe.Read More
Brendan O'Hara MP

O’Hara, Brendan

SNP MP for Argyll & Bute. Former television producer. Strong opponent of nuclear weapons.Read More
Matthew Offord MP

Offord, Matthew

Conservative MP for Hendon. Former political analyst with the BBC, and Barnet Councillor. Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society who explored the Libyan desert. Sailor and yachtsman who has competed in the Fastnet race.Read More

Olney, Sarah

Liberal Democrat‌ MP‌ ‌for‌ Richmond Park. Former accountant. Lib Dem spokesperson on Climate Change. Fierce opponent of Heathrow expansion.Read More

Onwurah, Chi

Labour MP for Newcastle upon Tyne Central. Worked in computer software, became Head of Telecoms Technology at Ofcom. Previously on the board of the anti apartheid movement. Newcastle United Fan.Read More
Guy Opperman MP

Opperman, Guy

Conservative MP for Hexham Junior pensions minister. Former criminal barrister. Supports an elected House of Lords. Suffered from a brain tumour in 2011. Amateur jockey who competes in point to point races.Read More