Members of Parliament

John Hayes

Hayes, John

Conservative MP for South Holland and The Deepings. Former junior Minister under May and Cameron. Once a IT sales director, now a part time professor of politics. Represents the safest Conservative seat in the country,Read More
Castle Point, Conservative

Harris, Rebecca

Conservative MP for Castle Point. Junior whip. Formerly worked for a historical publishing firm. Once a Chichester Councillor. Parliament's leading campaigner for changing the UK clocks to central European time.Read More
Fabian Hamilton MP

Hamilton, Fabian

Labour MP for Leeds North East. Former graphic designer and computer consultant who worked for Apple Macintosh. Former Leeds councillor. Keen cyclist.Read More
West Suffolk, Conservative

Hancock, Matthew

Conservative MP for West Suffolk. Health Secretary during the coronavirus pandemic. Former advisor to George Osborne, and Bank of England economist. Newcastle United fan. Cricketer and amateur jockey.Read More
George Howarth is the Labour MP for Knowsley

Howarth, George

Labour MP for Knowsley. Veteran MP. Former Minister in the last Labour government. Former teacher, engineer, and local councillor. Represents the safest seat in the House of Commons.Read More
Harlow, Conservative

Halfon, Robert

Conservative MP for Harlow. Chair of the Commons Education Select Committee. Independent minded MP. Professional politician who worked as a lobbyist and advisor to Oliver Letwin.Read More
Margaret Hodge is MP for Barking, Labour

Hodge, Margaret

Labour MP for Barking. Former Minister in last Labour government. Ex PWC Consultant and Leader of Islington Council. Outspoken critic of Jeremy Corbyn and on the issue of antisemitism. Survived deselection attempt. Read More
John Howell is MP for Henley, Labour

Howell, John

Conservative MP for Henley. Former tax inspector, BBC business reporter, and partner at Ernst and Young. Took over as MP for Henley from Boris Johnson, but has since been critical of the PM. Holds a PHD in archaeology.Read More
Oliver Heald is the MP for North East Hertfordshire

Heald, Oliver

Conservative MP for North East Hertfordshire. Former barrister who was previously Courts Minister and Solicitor General. Also served in John Major's government. Veteran MP on the centre left of the Conservative Party.Read More
Stewart Hosie is MP for Dundee East, Scottish National Party

Hosie, Stewart

SNP MP for Dundee East. One of the party's longest serving MPs. Former SNP Deputy Leader, once Shadow Chancellor and SNP Chief Whip at Westminster. Holds a Phd in IT. Motorcyclist.Read More
Harriet Harman, Labour MP for Camberwell and Peckham

Harman, Harriet

Labour MP for Camberwell and Peckham. Labour Party Deputy Leader between 2007 and 2010. First elected in 1983. Former Health Secretary, Solicitor General, and Leader of the Commons. Former solicitor. Feminist. Married to the Labour MP, Jack Dromey.Read More
Stephen Hammond is MP for Wimbledon, Conservative

Hammond, Stephen

Conservative MP for Wimbledon. Former health minister. Remainer who lost the Conservative whip over Brexit. Former investment banker. Hockey player. Read More
Philip Hollobone is MP for Kettering, Conservative

Hollobone, Philip

Conservative MP for Kettering. Former investment banker and territorial army paratrooper. Social conservative on the right of the Conservative Party. Supports national service and capital punishment. Critical of the wearing of burka. Went to school with Nigel Farage.Read More

Hands, Greg

Conservative MP for Chelsea and Fulham. Business minister. Former banker and Hammersmith councillor. Dual US/UK national. Speaks 5 languages including Czech and Slovak. Opponent of Heathrow expansion.Read More
Meg Hillier is MP for Hackney South and Shoreditch, Labour Co-operative

Hillier, Meg

Labour MP for Hackney South and Shoreditch. Chair of the Public Accounts Committee. Minister in last Labour government. Former journalist, Islington councillor, and London Assembly member.Read More
Adam Holloway is MP for Gravesham, Conservative

Holloway, Adam

Conservative MP for Gravesham. Former Grenadier Guards Officer who spent his Gap Year with Afghan resistance fighters in the Cold War. Later a TV reporter, who won awards his undercover programmes including him living homeless for three months.Read More
Sharon Hodgson is MP for Washington and Sunderland West, Labour

Hodgson, Sharon

Labour MP for Washington and Sunderland West. PPS to Keir Starmer. Whip in the last Labour government. Former bookkeeper with Northern Rock. Successfully introduced a Private Members Bill on Special Educational Needs.Read More
Mark Harper is MP for Forest of Dean, Conservative

Harper, Mark

Conservative MP for Forest of Dean. Former Government Chief Whip. Accountant, formerly with Intel and KMPG. Chair of Covid recovery group and lockdown sceptic. Briefly a candidate in the 2019 Conservative leadership election.Read More