Members of Parliament

Smith, Jeff

Labour MP for Manchester Withington. Former events manager, DJ, and night club promoter, Manchester City Councillor. Favour decriminalising cannabis. Bruce Springsteen and Manchester City fan.Read More
Julian Smith is MP for Skipton and Ripon, Conservative

Smith, Julian

Conservative MP for Skipton and Ripon. Briefly Northern Ireland Secretary. Chief Whip during the Brexit battles. Former entrepreneur in the recruitment sector. One time international squash player.Read More
Nick Smith is MP for Blaenau Gwent, Labour

Smith, Nick

Labour MP for Blaenau Gwent. Former campaigns manager at the NSPCC and head of membership for the Labour Party. Former Camden Councillor. Enjoys park runs.Read More

Smith, Royston

Conservative MP for Southampton Itchen. Aeronautical engineer, who also served in the RAF. Former leader of Southampton City Council. Awarded the George Medal for bravery following his role in apprehending a man following a 2011 shooting tragedy.Read More
Karin Smyth MP

Smyth, Karin

Labour MP for Bristol West. Shadow health spokesperson. Former PPS to Keir Starmer. Former NHS ManagerRead More

Sobel, Alex

Labour MP for Leeds North West. Former manager of social enterprises. Leeds City Councillor. Supports proportional representation.Read More

Solloway, Amanda

Conservative MP for Derby North. Government whip. Former science minister. Previously worked as a retail manager for Sainsburys and as a Training Manager. Supports HS2.Read More
John Francis Spellar MP

Spellar, John

Labour MP for Warley. Long standing Minister in the last Labour government. Former trade union official and Bromley Councillor. On the right of the Labour Party. Critical of Jeremy Corbyn and what her termed, his 'band of Trots'.Read More

Spencer, Ben

Conservative MP for Runnymede and Weybridge. Elected in 2019. Psychiatrist who still undertakes locum work at the Maudsley hospital. Member of the Tory Reform Group that is on the left of the Party.Read More
Mark Spencer is MP for Sherwood, Conservative

Spencer, Mark

Conservative MP for Sherwood. Leader of the House of Commons. Former Chief Whip. Farmer, who has also been involved in a garden centre business. Former President of the National Federation of Young Farmers Clubs. Once a Nottinghamshire County Councillor. Read More

Stafford, Alexander

Conservative MP for Rother Valley. Elected in 2019. Previously worked in communications for Shell and the WWF. One time Ealing Councillor. Interested in the potential of the hydrogen industry.Read More

Starmer, Keir Sir

Keir Starmer was elected Labour leader in 2020 with 56% of the vote. Before being first elected to Parliament in 2015, he was the Director of Public Prosecutions. Starmer is also an amateur footballer and vegetarian.Read More

Stephens, Chris

SNP MP for Glasgow South West. Former Glasgow councillor, and trade unionists with Unison. Food poverty campaigner. Likes American Football.Read More
Andrew Stephenson is MP for Pendle, Conservative

Stephenson, Andrew

Conservative MP for Pendle. Junior transport minister. Former insurance consultant and Macclesfield Councillor. Once a contestant on Junior Master Chef.Read More
Jo Stevens MP

Stevens, Jo

Labour MP for Cardiff Central. Shadow Welsh Secretary. Former solicitor. Previously hospitalised with coronavirus. Big sports fan. Voted against triggering Article 50 on leaving the EU.Read More

Stevenson, Jane

Conservative MP for Wolverhampton North East. Wolverhampton Councillor. Professional singer and soprano soloist who has sung around the world. Also a singing teacher.Read More
John Stevenson, Conservative MP

Stevenson, John

Conservative MP for Carlisle. Solicitor who is a partner in a Carlisle law firm. Enjoys cycling, so much so that he has ridden from Lands End to John O’ Groats.Read More
Bob Stewart MP

Stewart, Bob

Conservative MP for Beckenham. Former army Colonel who was the first British Commander under United Nations command in Bosnia. Once guarded Rudolf Hess in Spandau Prison in Berlin.Read More
Iain Stewart MP

Stewart, Iain

Conservative MP for Milton Keynes South. Grew up in Scotland, junior Scottish Office Minister. Former recruitment consultant and trainee accountant. Interested in driverless cars. Read More