Members of Parliament

Bradley, Ben

Conservative MP for Mansfield. Currently also the Leader of Nottinghamshire County Council, combining the roles. Formerly worked in recruitment and a supermarket. Parliamentary beard of the year winner.Read More
Karen Bradley MP

Bradley, Karen

Conservative MP for Staffordshire Moorlands. Chair of Commons Procedure Committee. Cabinet Minister under Theresa May. Former tax accountant with KMPG. Manchester City Fan.Read More
Benjamin Bradshaw is MP for Exeter, Labour

Bradshaw, Benjamin

Labour MP for Exeter. Former Cabinet Minister under Gordon Brown. Ex BBC reporter and journalist. Environmental campaigner. Keen cyclist.Read More
Graham Brady is MP for Altrincham and Sale West, Conservative

Brady, Graham

Conservative MP for Altrincham and Sale West. Long standing Chairman of the 1922 Committee of Conservative backbenchers. Former lobbyist. The youngest Conservative MP back in 1997.Read More

Brady, Mickey

Sinn Fein MP for Newry & Armagh. Member of the Northern Ireland Assembly. Former Welfare Rights Officer.Read More
Suella Fernandes MP

Braverman, Suella

Conservative MP for Fareham. Attorney General. First Cabinet Minister ever to take maternity leave. Former Chair of the European Research Group of MPs. Barrister. Read More
Kevin Brennan MP

Brennan, Kevin

Labour MP for Cardiff West. Junior minister under Gordon Brown. Former economics teacher. Rugby fan, member of a Parliamentary rock band.Read More

Brereton, Jack

Conservative MP for Stoke on Trent South. First elected in 2017 at the age of 26. One of the youngest Conservative MPs.Read More
Andrew Bridgen MP

Bridgen, Andrew

Conservative MP for North West Leicestershire. Former marine who built up a very successful market gardening business with his brother. On the right of the Conservative Party, critic of John Bercow and Theresa May.Read More
Steve Brine MP at the University of Winchester's Freshers Fair

Brine, Steve

Conservative MP for Winchester. Former radio journalist who worked in PR. Lost the whip in 2019, rebel against No Deal. Former President of the Students Union at Liverpool University. Spurs fan.Read More

Bristow, Paul

Conservative MP for Peterborough. Elected in 2019. Former lobbyist who was chair of the Association of Professional Political Consultants. Once elected to Hammersmith Council.Read More

Britcliffe, Sara

Conservative MP for Hyndburn. Elected in 2019 at the age of 24. Youngest Conservative MP. Formerly ran a sandwich shop and was a Hyndburn councillor.Read More
Deidre Brock MP

Brock, Deidre

SNP MP for Edinburgh North and Leith. Australian actress who appeared in the soap 'Home and Away'. Moved to Scotland in 1996. Once the Deputy Lord Provost on Edinburgh City Council.Read More
Alan Brown MP

Brown, Alan

SNP MP for Kilmarnock & Loudoun. SNP Transport spokesperson. Former civil engineer. His strong accent has reportedly posed a problem for the Hansard transcribers in the House of Commons.Read More
Lyn Brown is MP for West Ham, Labour

Brown, Lyn

Labour MP for West Ham. Former social worker, and Newham Councillor. Got married in the House of Commons chapel.Read More
Nick Brown is MP for Newcastle upon Tyne, Labour

Brown, Nick

Labour MP for Newcastle upon Tyne East and Wallsend. Former Agriculture Minister and long standing Chief Whip. Grew up near Tunbridge Wells. Humanist. Speedway fan.Read More

Browne, Anthony

Conservative MP for South Cambridgeshire. Former political journalist with the Times. One time economic advisor to Boris Johnson when London Mayor, and former CEO of the British Bankers Association.Read More
Fiona Bruce MP

Bruce, Fiona

Conservative MP for Congleton. Former solicitor who set up her own firm. Warrington Councillor. Evangelical Christian, very 'pro life'. Opposes HS2.Read More
Chris Bryant

Bryant, Chris

Labour MP for Rhondda. Runner up in the contest to succeed John Bercow. Critic of Jeremy Corbyn. Once head of European affairs at the BBC. Former vicar.Read More